Confidential Information Policy

Halifax Hotspurs Soccer Club (HHSC) recognizes that its employees and volunteers may have access to confidential information that must be safeguarded to ensure the privacy and protection of individuals and the organisation.
Halifax Hotspurs Soccer Club (HHSC) recognizes that its employees and volunteers may have access to confidential information that must be safeguarded to ensure the privacy and protection of individuals and the organization. This policy outlines the responsibilities of employees and volunteers with regards to the use, disclosure, and protection of confidential information.
This policy aims to guide employees and volunteers in the handling of confidential information and to ensure that they understand their obligations to maintain confidentiality.
Confidential information refers to any information that is not publicly available and that is protected by law or is proprietary or sensitive to the organization. This includes, but is not limited to, personal information, financial data, intellectual property, and organizational plans and strategies.
Confidentiality: All employees and volunteers must maintain the confidentiality of all confidential information received in the course of their involvement with Halifax Hotspurs Soccer Club (HHSC). This obligation continues even after a employees or volunteer’s term of service has ended.
Need-to-Know: Confidential information should only be accessed, used, or disclosed to the extent necessary to perform an employees or volunteer’s duties and responsibilities. Employees and volunteers must obtain authorization before disclosing confidential information.
Security: All confidential information must be kept secure, including electronic files and paper documents. Employees and volunteers must use appropriate security measures to protect confidential information from unauthorized access or theft, such as password protection, encryption, and physical security.
Reporting: Any suspicions, allegations, or disclosures of unlawful or inappropriate behaviour must be reported promptly to the appropriate authority within the organisation, and only to those who have a need-to-know.
Retaliation: Retaliation against anyone who reports or discloses information in good faith is strictly prohibited.
External Communication: Employees and volunteers must not disclose any confidential information to the public or media without prior authorisation from the organisation.
Confidentiality Agreement: Upon acceptance of their employment or volunteer position, employees and volunteers must sign a confidentiality agreement that outlines their obligations under this policy.
Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of the employee or volunteer's position with the organization. The organization may also take legal action against any employee or volunteer who violates this policy and causes damage to the organization or individuals.
This Confidential Information Policy is an essential part of ensuring the privacy and protection of confidential information. Halifax Hotspurs Soccer Club (HHSC) expects its employees and volunteers to act in accordance with this policy and to understand their obligations to maintain confidentiality.